Call for Papers

View the Call for Papers below:

***Extended abstract submission deadline: Saturday, June 15th, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. (Eastern Daylight Time)***

Submission guidelines

We invite abstracts for either oral presentation (20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of discussion) or poster presentation. Abstracts must be anonymous, so please be sure to eliminate any identifying information and metadata from the document. Length is limited to a maximum of two single-spaced pages (US Letter), figures and references included. Font size should be 12-point, with margins of at least one inch (2.54cm) left on all sides. Abstracts must be submitted in .pdf format.

Submissions are limited to two per author, with at most one submission being single- or primary-authored. All submissions must be novel work, not published or accepted at a journal, nor given or scheduled at another conference.

We invite abstracts in any area that bears on the central questions of our discipline, including work based on consultant data, phonological theory, computational phonology, corpus phonology, experimental phonology, neurobiology of language, diachronic change, acquisition, sign language phonology, and the interface of phonology with neighboring disciplines.

The deadline for abstract submission is Saturday, June 1st 15th, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. (Eastern Daylight Time).


Please submit here.